Passionate about development and constantly looking for new skills, I also have solid management experience business, with a particular interest in finance and real estate. My curiosity and my desire to learn push me to constantly seek opportunities to broaden my horizons and add value added to my work. I am also a fan of video games and sports.
Interests, current learning, hobbies
Finance, Real estate, Blockchain, Sport, Pizzas, Obsidian
Linux Environments (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali, Fedora), OOP, CI/CD, Agile Method,
HTMX, React, PHP, Python, Java
My Projects
- GemSentinel
- OCR ImageReader - 24h Rent Cars Challenge - AtypicalNB - Formatik
OCR ImageReader
Have you always dreamed of being able to take a picture of your shopping list and put it in your notepad? Dream no more.
I saw that my iPhone allowed me to copy text from a photo, so I got interested in the technology behind it, OCR. Then I decided to put a little tool in place to fully understand how it works.
Me and this project
An application that I developed alone, there is not much behind it, the app is designed on a Ruby on Rails back, and the transcription of the text from the images is provided by a JS library, Tesseract.
TEST IDs: email:, password: password
24h Rent Cars Challenge
Simply the best site to find the car to rent for the next wedding.
This application was one of my certification tests. I had 24 hours to develop it based on specific specifications. The readme of the project containing the constraints is available on my Github, as is the project's source code.
Me and this project
I developed this application alone, so I had all the roles on this project. It's an app based on Ruby on Rails and a PostgreSQL database. The javascript is managed by Stimulus controllers, and I integrated the Flatpickr library for the reservation calendar. I also integrated Cloudinary for image storage, in association with Active Storage. The style is written in SCSS. The is is available here and you can use a default account.
TEST IDs: email:, password: password
A connection app for property rental. Legend says you might find Spongebob's house...
AtypicalNB is my first collaborative project. There were 4 of us, and the project was born during the "Le Wagon" bootcamp. The principle is simple, apply our acquired skills to create an atypical site in 4 days.
Me and this project
The app was built on a Ruby on Rails back-end. JavaScript was managed through Stimulus controllers. We used several JS libraries like Flatpickr, Typed, ChartJS or MapBox for improving lux. From the beginning of the project, I took the initiative to set up an SCSS charter, and to push the use of variables in particular, in order to keep a consistent and easily maintainable style. I also for example supported the creation of the "owner/renter" switch module which required a certain dexterity to be carried out correctly with a reduced delay. More generally, I acted here as a purely fullstack developer, with both front-end and back-end involvement.
TEST IDs: email:, password: password
A simple solution to take in hand to divide the administrative burden of training professionals by 10.
Formatik was my end of bootcamp project. Still with the same team as for AtypicalNB (4 devs). This time, we had 10 days to complete a complete project, from the Figma model, to User Stories, to production. Finally, one of my colleagues had to present it on video.
Me and this project
On this project, we really challenged ourselves. The app runs on a Ruby on Rails back end. We used Stimulus to facilitate the management of Events JS, and we also integrated several ilbrairies like Simple Calendar, or Flatpickr to improve the UI. We had a fairly complex system to manage the relationship between learners, their training center, the sessions they wish to register for and their administrative path. On this project, for example, I was in charge of the complete registration module. Take charge of a learner's registration request, check whether or not they are registered in the center's database and offer the right options to the administrative staff. My role on this project was more focused on the back end, but I took charge of a good part of the front end as well.
TEST IDs: email:, password: password